Paul is a retired Distinguished Research Professor who has been instrumental in forming and managing our Geology Group. We last had Paul on our stage in 2015 as a speaker on Rising Seas, Retreating Shorelines. Our local newspaper, the PT Leader, wrote about his presentation – read more…
Googling Paul’s background yields these biographical notes: Paul Loubere decided to be an oceanographer at age 9. He received a B.Sc. Honors in Geology and Biology from the University of Keele, England and a Ph.D. in Marine Geology and Micropaleontology from the School of Oceanography, Oregon State University. His interests include global climate and ocean-climate interactions through time and he specializes in retrieving paleoenvironmental information from fossil assemblages.
Paul served on the QGS Board of Advisors for many years; he retired in 2020 to pursue other interests such as the ALPs program at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Foundation (QUUF).