Welcome to the Quimper Geological Society (QGS)


Please join our mailing list to find out details. Our speaking events are on Saturdays at 4 pm and are announced by member email, local print and electronic bulletin boards. Membership is free — just click here or use menu – SIGN UP


We video-record these lectures for later viewing (see the Events > Past Events Videos on home page menu).

Click title or photo to see description of events and speakers background


2024-06-21 Discovery Bay Tsunami Evidence FIELD TRIP—CLOSED

FRIDAY June 21, 2024  (9 AM)—REGISTRATION CLOSED FIELD TRIP:  Examine Discovery Bay’s Past Tsunami Record Using Two Contrasting Evidential Methods There are at least two salient features of Pacific Northwest history:  an extremely active geologic past, coupled with a region inhabited by indigenous peoples since “time immemorial”. These two features share common ground at Discovery Bay on the Quimper Peninsula of Washington State. Many tsunamis have occurred at this bay over at least the past 3000 years, during which time the area was concurrently inhabited by indigenous peoples. This field trip will examine the geologic and anthropological evidence of the occurrence… Read more2024-06-21 Discovery Bay Tsunami Evidence FIELD TRIP—CLOSED

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2024-09-14 Darrel Cowan — Vancouver Island and an Alaskan Island were neighbors 50 Million Years Ago

Saturday, September 14, 4 PM The Lecture:  Baranof Island, Alaska, and Vancouver Island were neighbors 50 million years ago – Darrel Cowan Darrel will discuss the evolution of hypotheses about the large-scale coastwise displacements of tectonic elements or terranes along the western margin of North America. He will present the geologic evidence he published in 1982 supporting the hypothesis in the title of his lecture. The still-contentious Baja British Columbia hypothesis, developed in the early 1980’s, was based entirely on paleomagnetic data. This IN-PERSON ONLY lecture will start at 4 PM on Saturday, September 14, 2024. This is free and open… Read more2024-09-14 Darrel Cowan — Vancouver Island and an Alaskan Island were neighbors 50 Million Years Ago


2024-10-05 Harold Tobin – Lessons from a fossil Cascadia Megathrust in the high Olympic Mountains

The Lecture:  A fossil Cascadia Megathrust in the high Olympic Mountains and what it can teach us about subduction earthquakes Check back again… we will soon have additional information about the lecture.   This IN-PERSON ONLY lecture will start at 4 PM on Saturday, October 5, 2024. This is free and open to the public. (Donations graciously welcomed at the door.) This lecture will be recorded and posted shortly after the presentation, as are all our events since 2020. About the Speaker: Harold Tobin is a Professor and Paros Endowed Chair in Seismology and Geohazards and Director of the Pacific… Read more2024-10-05 Harold Tobin – Lessons from a fossil Cascadia Megathrust in the high Olympic Mountains


  Facebook group link…  Join our Facebook Group to see other events or interesting notes on the geology of our Pacific Northwest area.


Our goal is to foster an understanding of Earth Science concepts by offering 5-6 illustrated lectures during the academic year and one or two summer field trips. We focus mainly, but not exclusively, on local and regional geologic features and issues (see yearly list under events). Membership and events are FREE and open to the public, although we gratefully accept donations to defray our expenses. QGS is an earth-science activity of the Jefferson Land Trust, which is located in Port Townsend, WA.  We are in our 10th year here on the Quimper Peninsula.


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Questions or concerns?  webmaster@quimpergeology.org