The biggest change for 2020 will be a our new venue—the Port Townsend High School auditorium. The auditorium has theater seating for 270 and ample parking. We’ll have all four winter/spring lectures there (see Upcoming Events). We’ll continue our popular start time of 4 pm on Saturday.
Even though we don’t have membership dues, we appreciate the donations you give us at the door since they help us house, feed and transport speakers; the accumulation of extra funds is now letting us expand our outreach. Our advisors’ discussions this winter have focused on how to use these funds (slowly through time) to help facilitate earth-science education on the Quimper Peninsula. Ideas range from sponsoring student field trips and/or buying classroom materials to scholarships for continuing education of science teachers. We hope to develop a program this winter and initiate it in 2020, making sure the funds are spent in an efficient and meaningful way. Stay tuned.